We Welcome Your Support!
The Cemetery is managed by a self-perpetuating Board of Trustees, who serve on a volunteer basis. Each of us has a personal connection to individuals buried at the Cemetery:
Z Marshall, Chair
Patricia Cox
Ellen E. Dorn
John E. Eisenlohr
Larry Johnson
Melinda Marshall
Amy M. Millis
Kay White
Maintaining this old Cemetery is expensive! The Cemetery relies on contributions and bequests to keep the Cemetery maintained and to fund much needed improvements. We welcome contributions from YOU! In order to donate, please mail a check to our mailing address:
10456 North Central Expressway
Dallas, Texas 75231
Our email is: info@oakcliffcemetery.org
The Cemetery is located at 1300 East 8th Street, in the Oak Cliff section of Dallas, across the street from DISD’s Townview High School. Click here for a map to the Cemetery. There is no postal delivery to the Cemetery.
We send an annual report to our supporters, and we would love to add you to our mailing address. Please write us or email us!
Landscaping and Maintenance

Our landscaping is provided by:
Ken Fisher Enterprises
809 N. Lincoln Park Road
Van Alstyne, Tx. 75495
(469) 939-0247
Their professional and careful work is evident throughout the property.
Useful Downloads and Links
Click here to download the Cemetery’s plat map.
Click here to visit the website for the Dallas Genealogical Society, and here to explore the searchable database of the Oak Cliff Cemetery burials on the DGS website.